Meteorology / Help
Meteorological data fields to run the model are usually already
available or can be created from routine analysis archives or
forecast model outputs. More complete descriptions of the different
data sets are available
on-line. The meteorological data available through the menu system are
summarized in the following sections.
The meteorology menu is divided into four sections: data FTP, data
conversion, data display, and utility programs.
- The FTP section provides access to various data files that may be FTP'd
from the ARL server compatible for immediate input
to HYSPLIT. These files include current and appended
forecasts as well as various regional and global
analysis archives. All data files have already been converted for
HYSPLIT applications.
- The convert menu gives data processing options for files that are stored
on the local computer. Processing of forecast or analysis files are available
for archive, forecast, and regional or global data files in various formats.
Processing for GRIB1 formatted input files is available for
Global ECMWF/NOAA, and ERA-40.
NetCDF is supported on UNIX systems permitting conversion of
WRF-ARW data files. In addition, a simple interface
has been created to permit the entry of user generated
time-varying data at a single location.
- The display data menu tab provides some simple tools that can
be used to examine the data already in ARL packed format. The most
basic is the check file listing of the
individual data records. The contour map
program will display a contour plot of any variable at any one
time in the file. Multiple time periods may be processed. The
profile program returns a text file of the
profile of meteorological parameters at a pre-selected point.
The grid domain menu shows the extent
of the meteorological grid with a mark at each point.
- The utility menu permits conversion
of SVG files to any other graphical format and the
creation of shapfiles.
More detailed information about the format of the ARL packed data is available. In addition, various
library routines and utility programs are
provided to manipulate both the GRIB and ARL packed data files.
Table of Contents