Meteorology / ARL Data FTP
The ARL web server contains several meteorological model data
sets already converted into a HYSPLIT compatible format in the
public directories. Direct access via FTP to these data files is
"hardwired" into the GUI. The data files are automatically updated
on the server with each new forecast cycle. Only an email address
is required for the password to access the server. The "FTP menu"
is locked until the FTP process is completed, at which point a
message box will appear indicating the file name that was just
transferred. Alternatively, there is an option to download the
files directly from the NOAA nomads website via HTTP
Some of the files are not available on NOMADS (see below).
Note that the NOAA models run by NCEP may be at higher spatial
resolution than what is archived in a HYSPLIT compatible format on
the ARL server. If calculations using higher resolution data are
required, then the original GRIB encoded files must be obtained and
converted as described in the data conversion section. GRIB decoding
can be difficult. Although the required software is provided through
the GUI, the large file size downloads may limit the practical
application of these real-time data files.
Meteorology / Data FTP / Current Forecast
Forecast data are available for NOAA's Global Forecast System (GFS),
the North America Model (NAM), and the High-Resolution Rapid
Refresh (HRRR). Forecast model data are available
at various resolutions, projections, and forecast time durations.
The files are updated at two to four hours after the cycle time.
Forecast files are available for the last several days depending
upon the server and not all files are on all servers. All forecast
files follow the same file naming convention of hysplit.t{cycle}z.{name},
where cycle represents the initial UTC time of the forecast
(e.g. 00,06,12,18) and the names are as follows:
- gfsf :: 1-deg 3P +240h (814 Mb) global forecast at one-degree
resolution at 3 hour intervals at pressure levels out to +240 hours.
- gfslrf :: 1-deg 6P +384h (251 Mb) long-range global forecast at
one-degree resolution at 6 hour intervals at pressure levels
and from forecast hours +240 to +384.
- gfs0p25f :: 0.25-deg 3S +189h (2500 Mb) global forecast at quarter-degree
resolution at 3 hour intervals at hybrid levels out to +189 hours. The
complete forecast is split over multiple files. The forecast start time
must be selected. There are only 21 hours per file. Files with forecast hours
beyond +84 are not available on NOMADS.
- namf :: 12-km 3P +84h (1616 Mb) regional forecast for the entire domain at
12 km resolution every three hours on pressure levels out to a +84 hours.
- namsf :: 12-km 1H +48h (2636 Mb) regional forecast extracted for CONUS
at 12 km resolution at one-hour intervals on hybrid levels out to +48 hours.
- namsf.AK :: 12-km 1H +48h (1523 Mb) regional forecast extracted for Alaska
at 12 km resolution at one-hour intervals on hybrid levels out to +48 hours.
- namsf.HI :: 2.5-km 1H +48h (1030 Mb) regional forecast Hawaii nest
at 2.5 km resolution at one-hour intervals on hybrid levels out to +48 hours.
- namsf.FW :: 1.5-km 1H +36h (1400 Mb) regional forecast Fire-Weather nest
at 1.5 km resolution at one-hour intervals on hybrid levels out to +36 hours
(location, filesize, and horizontal resolution varies from cycle to cycle).
- namsf.{XX}tile :: 12-km 1H +48h (271 Mb) regional forecast extracted for
the XX quadrant of the US at 12 km resolution at hour intervals only for sigma
surfaces below 0.6777 out to +48 hours. Quadrants are available for the northeast
(NE), southeast (SE), southwest (SW), and northwest (NW). No available on NOMADS.
- namsf{HH}.CONUS :: 3-km 1H +6h (3314 Mb) regional forecast CONUS nest
for forecast hour beginning at HH+1h at 3 km resolution at one-hour intervals on sigma
surfaces out to +6, +12, +18, +24, +30, +36, +42 hours for files f00,f06,f12,f18,f24,
f30,f36,f42 respectively. The forecast start time must be selected. There are only 6 forecast
hours per file.
- hrrrf :: 3-km 1S +18h (3418 Mb) for the CONUS is at 3 km resolution at one-hour
intervals on sigma surfaces out to +18. Updated every hour. The
complete forecast is split over multiple files. The forecast start
time must be selected. Each file only contains 6h of data, except f18.
Additional information about the forecast data on the ARL server
can be found at the ARL web page.
Meteorology / Data FTP / Appended Forecast
The appended forecast files consist of a special time extraction of the previous
seven (-48 hr) forecast cycle files to create a series of pseudo-analysis (0-hour
initialization) and short-time (+3 h or +1,+2,+3,+4,+5) forecasts that have been
appended to each other to create a continuous data time series for the previous
48 hours in a single file. These special time extracts are only available for the
following files. For the NAM hybrid-level (nams) files the time period is instead
for the 24 hours prior to the forecast.
- gfsa :: 1-deg 3P -48h (161 Mb)
- nama :: 12-km 3P -48h (892 Mb)
- namsa :: 12-km 1H -24h (1291 Mb)
- namsa.AK :: 12-km 1H -24h (746 Mb)
- namsa.HI :: 2.5-km 1H -24h (505 Mb)
Table of Contents