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This Gaussian plume model was originally published in 1981 by Roland R. Draxler as NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-100, titled, "Forty-eight hour Atmospheric Dispersion Forecasts at Selected Locations in the United States." The program has been updated to produce quick forecasts of atmospheric dispersion via the web by combining the simple techniques of estimating dispersion from Bruce Turner's Workbook of Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates (1994,1969) with National Weather Service (NWS) forecasts of wind direction, wind speed, cloud cover, and cloud ceiling. The NWS forecasts come from the NAM and GFS Model Output Statistics (MOS), which are statistically derived surface conditions produced for over 1000 locations in the CONUS, Alaska, Puerto Rica, and Hawaii.

The program was also modified to allow the user to enter the necessary meteorological information instead of using the MOS forecast.

NOTE: The use of the HYSPLIT transport and dispersion model is recommended for all studies of dispersion modeling, however this tool is made available as a teaching tool using a very simple model to help the user understand the concept of the Gaussian plume model.

Gaussian Plume Model Applications

Modified: December 4, 2019
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