Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Transfer Coefficient Matrix (TCM)
A procedure has been developed and tested to provide
operational plume forecasts in real-time
by continuously updating previous day's emissions as new meteorological data become available.
Simulations are divided into smaller time segments and each segment is continued as an independent
calculation using a unit source emission. The unit source calculations give the dispersion factors
from the release point for every emission period to each downwind grid location, defining how much
of the emissions are transferred to each location varying as a function of time, which is defined
as the Transfer Coefficient Matrix (TCM). The TCM is computed for inert and depositing species and
when quantitative air concentration results are required, the final air concentration is computed in
a simple post-processing step by multiplying the TCM by the appropriate emission rate and radioactive
decay constant. Results for multiple emission scenarios can easily be created and used to optimize
model results as more measurement data become available.
In this online version, reported emissions of I-131 and Cs-137 from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
are used to demonstrate the system. The user can adjust the reported emissions during any 6 hour release
period in an attempt to improve the HYSPLIT model results of concentrations compared to measured
concentrations for any user-selected location. The user can select one of four generic species that were
tracked as surrogates for the radionuclides: a gas with no wet or dry scavenging (non-depositing gas),
a gas with a relatively large dry deposition velocity (0.01 m/s) and wet removal (Henry's constant = 3.00)
to represent gaseous I-131 (depositing gas), a particle with a small wet deposition to represent iodine,
and a particle with larger wet deposition to represent cesium, both with dry deposition of 0.004 m/s.