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Smoke Forecasting Model Change Log

  • 07/25/2013 - All smoke runs using HYSPLIT on new supercomputer (WCOSS). Two notable fixes:
    • relaxed plume rise restriction
    • removed error of short-duration fires carried into the next day
  • 02/24/2010 - Hawaii smoke forecast became operational.
  • 09/29/2009 - Alaska smoke forecast became operational.
  • 09/15/2009 - Experimental NWS testing of Hawaii smoke forecast began running in an operational framework.
  • 05/30/2008 - Experimental NWS testing of Alaska smoke forecast began.
  • 12/19/2007 - General upgrade of HYSPLIT model code, MPI option enabled, and increased vertical resolution (sigma layers) of NAM meteorology introduced.
  • 03/07/2007 - Smoke Forecast Product for CONUS transitioned into NWS operations.
  • 08/19/2006 - Emission factor increased by a factor of 6.
  • 06/20/2006 - NAM/ETA meteorology replaced by NAM/WRF meteorology.
  • 05/24/2006 - Plume rise and GFS meteorological data were added to HYSPLIT. In addition, the calculated burn area algorithm was modified.
  • 03/28/2006 - Experimental NWS testing of CONUS smoke forecast began.
  • 01/11/2006 - Smoke runs from NCEP testing now used on this website.
  • 01/05/2006 - Forecast now generated using the NAM AQM hourly forecast data.
  • 10/06/2005 - Forecast now generated using the 0600 UTC NAM forecast data.
  • 09/24/2005 - +24 hour forecast verification results began.
  • 09/21/2005 - Compressed tar file of model concentration file began.
  • 07/21/2005 - Hourly concentration output began.
  • 07/01/2005 - Daily threat score and bias results started.
  • 07/01/2005 - HMS plumes now can be turned on and off individually.
  • 06/29/2005 - Updated SVG output to show 4 HYSPLIT contour levels.
  • 05/29/2005 - 3-hourly concentration output of 24 hour analyses began.
Modified: December 4, 2019
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