1.2 Apple MAC OSX HYSPLIT install




The HYSPLIT Mac installation is similar to a Windows PC except that the Mac OS supports the native display of Postscript files, therefore Ghostscript is not required. However, if you are running the LINUX scripts in a terminal window, the gs display command will fail unless ghostscript has been installed. The other option is to replace gs with the open command. Depending upon how the LINUX scripts are copied to a Mac, you may need to correct the EOL character using the Mac equivalent of dos2unix.

  1. Tcl/Tk Graphical User Interface

    Although not required to run HYSPLIT, a GUI composed of multiple Tcl/Tk scripts is provided with HYSPLIT. The model can also be run using a command line interface. However, it is easier for novice users to use the Tcl/Tk interface. The HYSPLIT installation includes all the GUI scripts, but the Tcl/Tk interpreter is not part of the distribution. Most Unix / Linux operating system distributions, as well as Mac OS X, include Tcl/Tk. If not already installed, you can download Tcl/Tk from the Tcl/Tk web site. Install the software to the suggested default directory prior to installing HYSPLIT.

  2. Postscript and ImageMagick Converter

    The capability to convert the Postscript graphics to other graphical formats is enabled within the GUI through ImageMagick, which normally requires the prior installation of Ghostscript. However, on MAC systems Ghostscript is not required because the Preview function can be used to export the Postscript file to a select number of other formats. ImageMagick can then be used to convert these files to unsupported formats. Go to the ImageMagick web site to download the most recent Mac version.

  3. Postscript Viewer

    Not required. Use Preview, however, if there are too many Postscript frames in a file, Preview may have trouble converting the output to a viewable PDF. In this case you need to run catps2ps -m -i{old.ps} -o{new.ps} to remove unsupported commands from the Postscript file.

  4. Mac OSX HYSPLIT Installation

    Download and open the installation package (hysplit_v5.1.0.dmg) and then run the Install_hysplit.app. This will copy the hysplit directory to your $HOME directory (/Users/account/hysplit) and place the hysplit.app on your desktop. If the installation fails because permission is denied for an unidentified developer, then Open Anyway, or better, if available, go to System Preferences and then Security & Privacy and check the box to Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere. If this option is unavailable or multiple apps are affected, you may need to run sudo spctl --master-disable from the terminal before going back to the security and privacy menu. When finished, enable security again.

  5. Optional Python Emulator

    A new class of display programs for trajectories and air concentration contours using the Python language has been developed. These programs are still undergoing modifications to their capabilities and interface requirements. To use them a Python emulator is required. If the Python display programs are provided with your HYSPLIT distribution, you will find detailed installation instructions in the python directory (e.g. install_macos.txt). More information about these displays can be found in the Python section. A system reboot may be required after installation.

  6. Optional Google Earth Viewer

    Go to the Google Earth web site to download the most recent Mac version.

  7. Starting the first time

    Once the installation is complete, HYSPLIT can be started from the desktop app or by opening a terminal window or X-window and changing directory to hysplit/working. Then just execute the softlink ./hysplit.tcl and the GUI should open if Tcl/Tk has been installed. If the softlink does not exist, one should be created in the working directory using the command ln -s ../guicode/hysplit.tcl hysplit.tcl. The desktop app also runs the model from the same working directory. Never run the model from the guicode directory. If using an X-window (optional), ensure that the X-directory location (usually /opt/X11/bin) in file default_exec points to the location of xterm, which can be determined from the command which xterm. If you are trying to run FTP through the GUI, you may need to install the FTP client through brew install inetutils.