The weather observed at ALLIANCE, NE (KAIA) at 09:53 PM MST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-18F (-28C) Dewpoint: -24F (-31C) Relative Humidity: 73%
Winds from the W (270 degs) at 10 mph.
Pressure: 1039.0 millibars. Altimeter:30.35 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at AINSWORTH MUNICI, NE (KANW) at 10:55 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-11F (-24C) Dewpoint: -18F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 70%
Winds from the W (270 degs) at 5 mph.
Altimeter:30.49 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at AURORA, NE (KAUH) at 10:55 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-12F (-25C) Dewpoint: -21F (-29C) Relative Humidity: 66%
Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph.
Altimeter:30.63 inches of mercury.
The weather observed at BROKEN BOW MUNI, NE (KBBW) at 10:53 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -9F (-23C) Dewpoint: -18F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 64%
Winds from the NW (300 degs) at 9 mph.
Pressure: 1040.8 millibars. Altimeter:30.52 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at SCOTTSBLUFF, NE (KBFF) at 09:53 PM MST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -9F (-23C) Dewpoint: -19F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 61%
Winds from the NNE(020 degs) at 7 mph.
Pressure: 1038.1 millibars. Altimeter:30.36 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at BEATRICE MUNICIP, NE (KBIE) at 10:55 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -9F (-23C) Dewpoint: -18F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 64%
Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph.
Altimeter:30.70 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at CHADRON, NE (KCDR) at 09:53 PM MST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-13F (-25C) Dewpoint: -20F (-29C) Relative Humidity: 70%
Winds from the SW (230 degs) at 6 mph.
Pressure: 1040.1 millibars. Altimeter:30.40 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at KEARNEY MUNI, NE (KEAR) at 10:56 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -7F (-22C) Dewpoint: -18F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 58%
Winds from the NW (310 degs) at 6 mph.
Pressure: 1042.0 millibars. Altimeter:30.60 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at FREMONT MUNI ARP, NE (KFET) at 10:55 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-11F (-24C) Dewpoint: -20F (-29C) Relative Humidity: 63%
Winds from the W (280 degs) at 3 mph.
Altimeter:30.68 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at FALLS CITY/BRENN, NE (KFNB) at 10:53 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -4F (-20C) Dewpoint: -14F (-26C) Relative Humidity: 61%
Winds from the NW (330 degs) at 8 mph.
Pressure: 1043.0 millibars. Altimeter:30.73 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at GRAND ISLAND, NE (KGRI) at 10:53 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -9F (-23C) Dewpoint: -19F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 61%
Winds from the W (260 degs) at 3 mph.
Pressure: 1042.9 millibars. Altimeter:30.63 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at HOLDREGE/BREWSTR, NE (KHDE) at 10:55 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -6F (-21C) Dewpoint: -18F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 53%
Winds from the NW (330 degs) at 3 mph.
Altimeter:30.58 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at HASTINGS, NE (KHSI) at 10:53 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -7F (-22C) Dewpoint: -18F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 58%
Winds from the W (260 degs) at 3 mph.
Pressure: 1042.3 millibars. Altimeter:30.62 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at IMPERIAL MUNICIP, NE (KIML) at 09:53 PM MST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -6F (-21C) Dewpoint: -17F (-27C) Relative Humidity: 58%
Winds from the W (260 degs) at 6 mph.
Pressure: 1040.6 millibars. Altimeter:30.49 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at NORTH PLATTE, NE (KLBF) at 10:53 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -9F (-23C) Dewpoint: -18F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 64%
Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph.
Pressure: 1040.8 millibars. Altimeter:30.52 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at LINCOLN, NE (KLNK) at 10:54 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -6F (-21C) Dewpoint: -18F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 53%
Winds from the NW (310 degs) at 3 mph.
Pressure: 1043.4 millibars. Altimeter:30.71 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at LEXINGTON, NE (KLXN) at 10:55 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -8F (-22C) Dewpoint: -17F (-27C) Relative Humidity: 64%
Winds from the W (280 degs) at 6 mph.
Altimeter:30.57 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at MCCOOK, NE (KMCK) at 10:53 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -3F (-19C) Dewpoint: -16F (-27C) Relative Humidity: 52%
Winds from the WSW(250 degs) at 7 mph.
Pressure: 1042.0 millibars. Altimeter:30.58 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at ORD/SHARP FIELD, NE (KODX) at 10:53 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-11F (-24C) Dewpoint: -20F (-29C) Relative Humidity: 63%
Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph.
Pressure: 1041.6 millibars. Altimeter:30.57 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at OFFUTT AFB/BELLE, NE (KOFF) at 10:55 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -7F (-22C) Dewpoint: -20F (-29C) Relative Humidity: 53%
Winds from the NW (320 degs) at 6 mph.
Pressure: 1043.9 millibars. Altimeter:30.70 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at NORFOLK, NE (KOFK) at 10:56 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-11F (-24C) Dewpoint: -18F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 70%
Winds from the WSW(250 degs) at 6 mph.
Pressure: 1041.5 millibars. Altimeter:30.62 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at OGALLALA, NE (KOGA) at 09:55 PM MST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature: -9F (-23C) Dewpoint: -17F (-27C) Relative Humidity: 70%
Winds from the CLM(CLM degs) at 0 mph.
Altimeter:30.48 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at COLUMBUS MUNI, NE (KOLU) at 10:56 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-11F (-24C) Dewpoint: -18F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 70%
Winds from the W (270 degs) at 5 mph.
Pressure: 1043.3 millibars. Altimeter:30.67 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at OMAHA/EPPLEY, NE (KOMA) at 10:52 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-11F (-24C) Dewpoint: -20F (-29C) Relative Humidity: 63%
Winds from the NW (320 degs) at 6 mph.
Pressure: 1042.8 millibars. Altimeter:30.71 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at O'NEILL, NE (KONL) at 10:55 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-11F (-24C) Dewpoint: -18F (-28C) Relative Humidity: 70%
Winds from the W (270 degs) at 6 mph.
Altimeter:30.56 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at SIDNEY, NE (KSNY) at 09:53 PM MST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-11F (-24C) Dewpoint: -20F (-29C) Relative Humidity: 63%
Winds from the SW (240 degs) at 12 mph.
Pressure: 1038.9 millibars. Altimeter:30.35 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at TEKAMAH, NE (KTQE) at 10:54 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-15F (-26C) Dewpoint: -24F (-31C) Relative Humidity: 63%
Winds from the SW (240 degs) at 7 mph.
Pressure: 1042.4 millibars. Altimeter:30.70 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.
The weather observed at VALENTINE, NE (KVTN) at 10:52 PM CST was:
The skies were clear.
Temperature:-17F (-27C) Dewpoint: -20F (-29C) Relative Humidity: 83%
Winds from the SW (210 degs) at 3 mph.
Pressure: 1044.0 millibars. Altimeter:30.48 inches of mercury.
The prevailing visibility was 10 miles.