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Did anyone else archive EDAS data prior to 1997?

The NOAA/OGP-sponsored GAPP/GCIP project of NCEP/EMC, in partnership with GAPP/GCIP initiatives at NCAR, began archiving Eta/EDAS fields at NCAR in April 1995, and continue daily to present realtime. Between April 1995 and Sep 1996 there are a steadily decreasing number of holes in this archive. From October 1996 onward, the holes are rather rare we believe.

The archive is in the form AWIP Grid 212, which is a 40-km Lambert Conformal grid extending from roughly 20 N to 60 N latitude. A depiction of the domain of Grid 212 is given by the solid online in the graphic depicted at the following site:

Discussions of what the Grid 212 Eta/EDAS archive at NCAR contains is given at links 3-11 at this site:!docs

Ken Mitchell (NOAA NCEP)

Modified: November 21, 2022
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