Exercise #17

Short-Range Concentration Grids

Edit conc_local.bat to reduce horizontal grid resolution by half

Original 100 m resolution ...

Revised 50 m resolution ...

Original 100 m resolution ...

Revised 50 m resolution ...

Although the underprediction bias for the highest concentrations was eliminated, more of the lower concentrations were underpredicted. The overall model performance was reduced, such as the correlation or the number of pairs within a factor of two.

Edit conc_local.bat to reduce vertical grid resolution from 25 to 10 m

In this example the performance statistics are unchanged because the lowest 100 m are relatively well mixed and therefore variations in the concentration layer depth have little effect.

Edit conc_local.bat to turn on STILT mixing options idsp=2 and wvert=.true.

In this example, although the performance statistics are still not quite as good as the original calcuation, the substantial number of underpredicted values have been reduced and the peak concentration predictions are quite close to the measured values.