@echo off setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion cd .. set WRK=%CD% set DIR=c: set PGM=%DIR%\hysplit cd %PGM%\working IF EXIST ASCDATA.CFG DEL ASCDATA.CFG echo -90.0 -180.0 lat/lon of lower left corner >ASCDATA.CFG echo 1.0 1.0 lat/lon spacing in degrees >>ASCDATA.CFG echo 180 360 lat/lon number of data points >>ASCDATA.CFG echo 2 default land use category >>ASCDATA.CFG echo 0.2 default roughness length (m) >>ASCDATA.CFG echo '%PGM%\bdyfiles\' directory of files >>ASCDATA.CFG IF NOT EXIST PARDUMP ( echo file PARDUMP is missing echo Go back and run the cust_pard batch file! pause ) REM ----------------------------------------------- SET LAT=63.63 SET LON=-19.62 REM ---------------------------------------------------- ECHO 'TITLE^&','### %0: shift at 1000 km ### ^&' >LABELS.CFG %PGM%\exec\parshift -iPARDUMP -oPARINIT -r10.0:1000.0:%LAT%:%LON% IF EXIST parxplot.ps DEL parxplot.ps %PGM%\exec\parxplot -iPARINIT -j%PGM%\graphics\arlmap -k1 -z80 parxplot.ps PAUSE ECHO 'TITLE^&','### %0: blended shift at 1000 km ### ^&' >LABELS.CFG %PGM%\exec\parshift -iPARDUMP -oPARINIT -b -r10.0:1000.0:%LAT%:%LON% IF EXIST parxplot.ps DEL parxplot.ps %PGM%\exec\parxplot -iPARINIT -j%PGM%\graphics\arlmap -k1 -z80 parxplot.ps