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Cross APpalachian Tracer EXperiment (CAPTEX) Information

Cross APpalachian Tracer EXperiment (CAPTEX) was a series of 3-hour perfluorocarbon tracer releases; 4 releases from Dayton,OH (39.80N 084.05W) on Sep. 18, Sep. 25, Oct. 02, & Oct. 14 1983, and 2 releases from Sudbury, ONT (46.62N 080.78W) on Oct. 26 & Oct 29 1983.

Sampling sites were arrayed in arcs, at approximately 100-km intervals, 300 km to 1100 km from the Dayton release point; 62 sites in the U.S. and 24 in Canada and took either 3-hour or 6-hour samples, depending on the distance from the release point.

Ferber,G.J., J.L.Heffter, R.R.Draxler, R.J.Lagomarsino, F.L.Thomas, R.N.Dietz, and C.M.Benkovitz, 1986: Cross-Appalachian Tracer Experiment (CAPTEX '83) Final Report. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-142, 86, 60 pp.

Modified: October 7, 2020
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