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Across North America Tracer EXperiment (ANATEX) Information

Across North America Tracer EXperiment (ANATEX) used perflourocarbons released from two sites; Glasgow, MT (48.40N 106.51W) and St. Cloud, MN (45.56N 094.17W) for the 3-month period Jan., Feb., and Mar. 1987.

77 sampling sites, arrayed along 8 arcs covering the eastern U.S. and southeast Canada, took daily samples.

Draxler, R.R., J.L.Heffter (Editors), 1989: Across North America Tracer Experiment (ANATEX) Volume I: Description, Ground-Level Sampling at Primary Sites, and Meteorology. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-167, 89, 74pp.

Modified: December 4, 2019
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