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mn statefcst

Office: MPX
FPUS63 KMPX 012127
FPUS63 KMPX 012127

Tabular State Forecast for Minnesota
National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN
427 PM CDT Wed May 1 2024

   Daily predominant daytime weather 6AM-6PM
   Forecast temperatures...early morning low/daytime high
         Probability of precipitation nighttime 6PM-6AM/daytime 6AM-6PM
          - indicates temperatures below zero
         MM indicates missing data

   FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST     FCST
   Thu      Fri      Sat      Sun      Mon      Tue      Wed
   May 02   May 03   May 04   May 05   May 06   May 07   May 08

   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Fair
   42/60    44/62    44/59    41/67    49/73    51/67    47/61
    00/80   100/40    30/20    20/10    20/30    50/50    50/30

   Park Rapids
   Shwrs    Sunny    Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Fair
   43/52    40/62    40/60    37/67    49/72    49/65    45/61
    20/100   70/10    20/20    20/10    20/40    70/60    50/30

   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Fair
   41/53    39/60    39/57    36/66    47/70    47/64    43/59
    10/100   90/20    20/20    20/10    20/40    60/60    50/30

   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy
   38/48    38/65    43/59    38/65    44/65    48/60    43/58
    00/80    80/40    20/40    40/00    10/30    60/60    60/40

   International Falls
   Shwrs    Shwrs    Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy
   36/56    41/61    41/57    36/65    44/70    50/64    44/58
    00/50   100/70    20/30    30/10    20/30    60/60    60/40

   Shwrs    Sunny    Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy
   46/53    41/63    43/62    41/68    52/73    54/67    46/63
    40/80    40/10    30/30    10/00    20/40    70/60    40/20

   Shwrs    Sunny    Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy
   45/52    41/66    44/62    39/67    49/73    54/67    46/63
    10/80    60/20    30/30    20/00    20/30    70/70    50/30

   St. Cloud
   Shwrs    Sunny    Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy
   46/52    42/67    45/63    41/69    50/75    56/69    47/65
    40/80    40/10    30/30    20/00    20/30    70/70    40/30

   Shwrs    Sunny    Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy
   49/57    47/69    50/64    45/70    53/76    58/71    52/66
    40/90    40/10    20/30    30/00    20/30    70/70    40/20

   Shwrs    Sunny    Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy
   47/53    41/65    45/63    41/70    52/75    55/68    47/64
    60/80    20/10    40/40    10/00    20/40    70/60    40/20

   Shwrs    Sunny    Ptcldy   Sunny    Shwrs    Shwrs    Ptcldy
   47/56    40/65    43/64    42/71    54/76    53/67    47/64
    60/60    20/10    40/40    00/10    20/50    70/50    40/20

   Shwrs    Sunny    Ptcldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy
   49/58    44/69    48/64    42/70    52/76    57/71    50/66
    60/90    20/10    30/30    20/00    20/40    70/60    40/20

   Tstrms   Sunny    Mocldy   Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy
   47/58    45/67    47/62    42/67    50/73    57/70    50/65
    60/100   50/20    10/40    40/00    20/40    70/70    40/30

   Shwrs    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Sunny    Tstrms   Ptcldy   Ptcldy
   46/57    40/65    44/63    41/69    52/73    52/67    47/64
    80/80    10/00    50/50    10/10    20/50    70/40    30/20

   Shwrs    Sunny    Shwrs    Sunny    Ptcldy   Shwrs    Ptcldy
   46/56    40/66    44/64    42/71    53/75    52/68    46/64
    70/80    10/00    50/50    10/10    20/40    70/50    30/20
